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In the midst of Fashion Revolution Week, I felt it was the perfect time to share this video from last year's Kickstarter campaign, which sums up beautifully what this project is about, and how it started– encapsulated in a wonderful 5 minutes– a bit of a tear-jerker for me!   This is especially for those of you who have just discovered us, and to refresh the memories of you that have been with us for a while. 
Rose Moreno genuinely puts people and planet first before profits– exactly what the Fashion Revolution organisation and movement is striving to demand from the industry's big players and encouraging consumers to use their/our voices!  I am not saying that we are doing things perfectly, there is a lot that we can and need to improve– but most importantly the intention is there, our hearts are in the right place, and the actions are not far behind!  It is early days and we really believe in our vision, but without a strong community, it will be hard to achieve!  So we reach out our hands to you to help us along the way!  Just keep following us, other well-meaning brands/projects and spread the word!
An important note:  We completed our Kickstarter campaign in October 2020 raising an incredible 190% of our target, the campaign is closed and we are no longer taking pledges.